Friday, October 19, 2012

Importation of Ice from Boston.

(Appeared in the British-Raj List on October 19, 2012.)
From JASB Vol III 1834 p. 491.

The arrival of the Tuscany, with a cargo of ice from America, forms an epoch n the history of Calcutta worthy of commemoration, as a facetious friend remarked, is a medal of frosted silver. Iii the month of May last, we received a present f some ice from Dr. Wise at Hugli, (whose efforts have so long been directed to the extension of its manufacture by the native process) as a proof that the precious luxury
might be preserved by careful husbandry until the season when its coolness was moat grateful :- Little did we then contemplate being able to return the compliment with a solid lump of the clearest crystal ice, at the conclusion of the rains! nor that we should be finally indebted to American enterprise for the realization of a pleasure for which we have so long envied our more fortunate countrymen in the upper provinces; nay even the beggars of Bokhara, who, in a climate at time more sultry than ours, according to Lieut. Burns, “purchase ice for their water even while entreating the bounty of the passenger!" Professor LESLIE with his thousand glass exhausters, and his beautiful steam air-pump., tantalised us with the hopes of a costly treat, and ruined poor TAYLOR the bold adopter of his theory:— but science must in this new instance, as on so many former occasions, confess herself vanquished or forestalled by the simple practical discovery that a body of ice may be easily conveyed from one side of the globe to the other, crossing the line twice, with a very moderate loss from liquefaction.

We are indebted to Mr. J. J. DIXWELL, the agent for the proprietors, for the following Interesting particulars relative to the Tuscany’s novel cargo, and the mode of shipping ice from America for foreign consumption.

The supplying of ice to the West Indies and to the Southern States of the Union, New Orleans, &c. has become within these few years, an extensive branch of trade, under the successful exertions of its originator FREDERICK TUDOR, Esq. of Boston, with whom S. AUSTIN, Esq. and Mr.W.C. ROGERS are associated in the present speculation.

The ponds from which the Boston ice is cut are situated within ten miles of the city. It is also procured from the Kennebee and Penobecot rivers in the State of Maine, where it is deposited in ice houses upon the banks, and shipped from thence to the Capital. A peculiar machine is used to cut it from the ponds in blocks of two feet square, and from one foot to eighteen inches thick, varying according to the intensity of the season. If the winter does not prove severe enough to freeze the water to a convenient thickness, the square slabs are laid again over the sheet ice, until consolidated, and so recut. The ice ¡s stored in ware-houses constructed for the purpose at Boston.

In shipping it to the West Indies, a voyage of 10 or 15 days, little precaution is used. The whole hold of the vessel is filled with it, having a lining of tan about four inches thick upon the bottom and sides of the bold, and the top Lifts covered with a layer of hay. The hatches are then closed, and are not allowed to be opened till the ice is ready to be discharged. It is usually measured for shipping, and cord reckoned at three tons: a cubic foot weighs 58 1/2 lbs.

For the voyage to India, a much longer one than had been hitherto attempted, some additional precautions were deemed necessary for the preservation of the ice.

The ice-hold was an insulated house extending from the after part of the forward hatch to the forward part of the after hatch, about 50 feet in length. It was constructed as follows:

A floor of one-Inch deal planks was first laid down upon the dunnage at the bottom of the vessel: over this was strewed a layer one foot thick of tan, that is, the refuse bark from the tanners’ pits, thoroughly dried, which is found to be a very good and cheap non-conductor; over this was laid another deal planking, and the four sides of the ice-bold were built ap in exactly the same manner, insulated from the sides of the vessel. The pump, well, and main mast were boxed round in the same manner.

The cubes of ice were then packed or built together so close as to leave no space between them, and to make the whole one solid mass: about 180 tons were thus stowed. On the top was pressed down closely a foot of hay, and the whole was shut up from access of air, with a deal planking one inch thick, nailed upon the lower surface of the lower deck timbers; the space between the planks and the deck being stuffed with tan.

On the surface of the ice, at two places, was introduced a kind of float, having a guage rod passing through a stuffing box in the cover, the object of which was to note the gradual decrease of the ice as it melted and subsided bodily.

The ice was shipped on the 6th and 7th of May, 1833, and discharged in Calcutta, on the 13th, 14th, 15th, and 16th September, making the voyage in four months and seven days.

The amount of wastage could not be exactly ascertained from the sinking of the guages, because on opening the chamber it was found that the ice had melted between each block, and not from the exterior only in the manner of one solid mass as was anticipated. Calculating from the rods and from the diminished draught of the ship, Mr. DIXWELL estimated the loss on arrival at Diamond Harbour to be fifty-five tons. Six or eight tons more were lost during the passage up the river, and probably twenty in landing. About one hundred tons, say three thousand maunds, were finally deposited in the ice house on shore, a lower room in a house at Brightman’s ghaut, rapidly floored and lined with planks for the occasion.

The sale has not, we believe, been so rapid as might have been expected, amounting to no more than ten maunds per diem, although Mr. ROGERS has fixed the price at the low rate of 4 annas per seer, one half the price estimated for the Hugli ice, which was still calculated to be somewhat cheaper in proportion than saltpetre. The public requires to be habituated to it, and to be satisfied of the economy of its substitution for the long established process of cooling. There may also be some doubts of the best mode of preserving so fleeting a commodity, but on this head we cannot but advise an imitation of the methods pursued on a large scale on board of the Tuscany. For the application of the ice to the purposes of cooling ample directions hare been given in the Gleanings of Science, vol. iii. p. 120. A box, or basket, or tin case, with several folds of blankets, or having a double case lined with paddy chaff or any non-conducting substance, will preserve the ice until wanted, and for cooling water or wine the most effectual method of all is to put a lump of the clear crystal into the liquid: the next best is to spread fragments upon the bottles laid horizontally, and leave them wrapped in flannel for a couple of hours.

So effectual was the non-conducting power of the ice-house on board, that a thermometer placed on it did not differ perceptibly from one in the cabin. From the temperature of the water pumped out, and that of the air in the run of the vessel, Mr. DIXWELL ascertained that the tetnperature of the hold was not sensibly affected by the ice. Upon leaving the tropic and running rapidly into the higher latitudes,
it retained its heat for some time, but after being several weeks in high latitudes, and becoming cooled to the temperature of the external air and sea, it took more than ten days in the tropics before the bold was heated again to the tropical standard.

Mr. DIXWELL has favoured us with a sight of the daily register kept by himself on board, which we regret we have not space to insert at length :— The following extract however will serve to impart some of the useful information gleaned in this first experimental passage from Boston: we sincerely hope and believe that it will afford ample encouragement for a repetition of the speculation, and eventually for a regular consignment of this new staple produce of the northern continents!  A scheme is now in circulation for supplying ice all the year round at 2 annas per seer.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

सातारा जिल्ह्यातील ’देवराष्ट्रे’ गावाबाबत काही...

’देवराष्ट्रे’ हे सातारा जिल्ह्यातल्या छोटया गावाचे नाव तसे परिचित होते.  यशवंतराव चव्हाणांचे तसेच रमाबाई रानडे ह्यांचे हे जन्मगाव.  गावाच्या नावाबाबत जरा कुतूहल होते कारण इतके जवळजवळ संस्कृत भाषेतील वाटावे असे नाव महाराष्ट्रात तरी दुर्मिळ वाटते.  ह्या गावच्या जुनेपणाविषयीहि कोठे काही ऐकलेले वा वाचलेले नव्हते.

कालपरवा असे ध्यानात आले की अलाहाबाद किल्ल्यामध्ये असलेल्या स्तंभावर जो समुद्रगुप्ताचा म्हणून दीर्घ कोरीव लेख आहे त्यात ’देवराष्ट्र’ नावाच्या नगराचा आणि तेथील ’कुबेर’नामक राजाचा उल्लेख आहे.  लेखाच्या १९व्या आणि २०व्या ओळीत समुद्रगुप्ताच्या दक्षिणेतील मांडलिक राजांची नावे आहेत.  ती अशी: 

(कोसलाचा महेन्द्र, महाकान्ताराचा व्याघ्रराज, केरलाचा  मण्टराज, पिष्टपुराचा महेन्द्र, गिरिकौटूराचा स्वामिदत्त, एरंडपल्लकाचा दमन, कांचीचा विष्णुगोप, अवसमुक्ताचा नीलराज, वेंगीचा हस्तिवर्मन्, पलक्काचा उग्रसेन, देवराष्ट्राचा कुबेर, कुस्थलपुराचा धनंजय, दक्षिणापथातील ह्या राजांना जिंकण्याच्या आणि पुन:प्रस्थापित करण्याच्या प्रतापामुळे ज्या (समुद्रगुप्ताला) मोठे भाग्य प्राप्त झाले...) (Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum: Vol. III. पृ. १०-१७).

जालावर अधिक शोध घेता असे दिसले की देवराष्ट्रे गावात बरीच प्राचीन देवालये आहेत.  तेथील सागरेश्वर अथवा समुद्रेश्वर हे शंकराचे देऊळ विशेष प्रसिद्ध आहे आणि त्याच नावाने गावाजवळ एक अभयारण्य निर्माण करण्यात आले आहे.  महाराष्ट्र गॅज़ेटीअर विभागाच्या ह्या स्थळावर गावातील देवळांची आणि जवळच्या लेण्यांची बरीच माहिती आहे.  महाभारताशी जोडलेली समुद्रेश्वराच्या बांधणीची कथाहि तेथे वाचावयास मिळते.

बराच शोध घेतल्यावर येथे मला सागरेश्वर नावाच्या देवळाचे फोटो मिळाले पण देवराष्ट्रेमधील सागरेश्वर हेच का ते मी सांगू शकत नाही कारण वेंगुर्ल्याजवळहि ह्याच नावाचे देऊळ आहे.  फोटोतील देऊळ आसपासच्या वातावरणावरून कोकणातील आहे असे वाटत नाही इतके नमूद करतो.

हे सर्व पाहून मला अशी शंका येत आहे की दक्षिणापथातील समुद्रगुप्ताने मांडलिक केलेला कुबेर आणि त्याचे देवराष्ट्र नगर हे आजचे देवराष्ट्रे असू शकेल काय? तसेच समुद्रेश्वर हे देवळाचे नावहि कुबेरानेच आपला सम्राट् समुद्रगुप्त ह्याच्या नावावरून दिले असावे. अन्यथा समुद्र किनार्‍यापासून बरेच दूर सह्याद्रीच्या रांगेच्या पूर्वेस असणार्‍या ह्या गावात समुद्राच्या नावाचे देऊळ असण्याचे कारण काय?

जालावर अथवा अन्य कोठेच मला असे कोणी म्हटलेले दिसत नाही पण त्याचे कारण सहजच सुचते.  गुप्त राजांच्या अनेक कोरीव लेखांपैकी एकामध्ये कोठेतरी मधोमध हे नाव दडलेले.  देवराष्ट्रे गावहि आज छोटे खेडेच आहे आणि यशवंतरावांचा तेथे जन्म झाला नसता तर अन्य शेकडो-हजारो खेड्यांप्रमाणे तेहि दुर्लक्षितच राहिले असते.  त्यामुळे सर्व भारतभर पसरलेल्या जुन्या लेखांच्या अभ्यासकांमध्ये अलाहाबादच्या समुद्रगुप्ताच्या लेखात हे नाव दिसताच डोक्यात टयूब पेटावी आणि हा सांधा जोडला जावा असे काहीच कारण नाही.

कोणा अन्य जाणकाराला ह्याविषयी काही अधिक माहिती असल्यास ती जाणून घेण्याची इच्छा आहे.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Bhartrihari's famous verse

Among the twenty verses extracted below, the first one is quite well-known.  (I have also known Nos 1 to 3 since long.)  All these verses, except No 11, are in the शिखरिणी वृत्त.  No. 1 is usually ascribed to वैराग्यशतक of भर्तृहरि, though I am not sure whether this is indeed so.  The reasons are i) विश्वनाथ cites it as an example of शान्तरस in  साहित्यदर्पण, परिच्छेद ३ but does not cite भर्तृहरि as its author, ii) the editition of नीतिशतक and वैराग्यशतक, edited by K.M.Joglekar in 1911 puts it in the miscellaneous portion of वैराग्यशतक. According to the website No. 8 is of रूपगोस्वामी and is included in an anthology of verses of several composers created by him and called पद्यावली.  All these verses are close imitations of No 1.

I am not aware of the authorship or the source of the remaining verses.  May I request the scholars here to throw light upon it and upon anything else that they know about these verses?  Are there any more verses of the same type?

I found these verses from Nos 1 to 11 from सुभाषितरत्नभाण्डागार and महासुभाषितसंग्रह and Nos 12 to 19

Nos 1 to 6 below have the same last line -

१) कदा वाराणस्याममरतटिनीरोधसि वसन्
वसान: कौपीनं शिरसि निदधानोऽञ्जलिपुटम्।
अये गौरीनाथ त्रिपुरहरशम्भो त्रिनयन
प्रसीदेत्याक्रोशन्निमिषमेव नेष्यामि दिवसान्॥
२) कदा वृन्दारण्ये विमलयमुनातीरपुलिने
चरन्तं गोविन्दं हलधरसुदामादिसहितम्।
अये कृष्णस्वामिन्मधुरमुरलीवादनविभो 
प्रसीदेत्याक्रोशन्निमिषमेव नेष्यामि दिवसान्॥
३) कदा वा साकेते विमलसरयूतीरपुलिने
चरन्तं श्रीरामं जनकतनयालक्ष्मणयुतम्।
अये रामस्वामिञ्जनकतनयावल्लभ विभो
प्रसीदेत्याक्रोशन्निमिषमेव नेष्यामि दिवसान्॥
४) कदा पुण्यक्षेत्रे करकलितरुद्राक्षवलयो 
दधत्स्वान्ते शान्तेऽखिलशिवपदं श्रीशिवपदं ।
महेश श्रीकण्ठ स्मरहर हर त्र्यम्बक शिव 
प्रसीदेत्याक्रोशान्निमिषमिव नेष्यामि दिवसान् ।।
५) कदा ब्रह्मेशानत्रिदशपतिमुख्यैः सुरगणैः 
स्तुतं विष्वक्सेनं जितदनुजसेनं हृदि भजन् ।
अये विष्णो जिष्णो गरुडरथ विश्वम्भर हरे 
प्रसीदेत्याक्रोशन्निमिषमिव नेष्यामि दिवसान् ।।
६) कदा श्रीमत्पङ्केरुहवनविकाशिप्रसृमर- 
प्रथापुञ्जं तेजः किमपि कलयन्नौपनिषदम् ।
ग्रहेश श्रीभानो मिहिर तरणे सूर्य सवितः 
प्रसीदेत्याक्रोशन्निमिषमिव नेष्यामि दिवसान् ।।

No 7 to 11 are imitations of No 1, but of a somewhat different type:

७) कदा वृन्दारण्ये नवघननिभं नन्दतनयं 
परीतं गोपीभिः क्षणरुचिमनोज्ञाभिरभितः ।
गमिष्यामस्तोषं नयनविषयीकृत्य कृतिनो 
वयं प्रेमोद्रेकस्खलितगतयो वेपथुभृतः ।।
८) कदा वृन्दारण्ये मिहिरदुहितुः सङ्गमहिते 
मुहुर्भ्रामं भ्रामं चरितलहरीं गोकुलपतेः ।
लपन्नुच्चैरुच्चैर्नयनपयसां वेणिभिरहं 
करिष्ये सोत्कण्ठो निबिडमवसेकं विटपिनाम् ।। (रूपगोस्वामी)
९) कदा भागीरथ्या भवजलधिसंतारतरणेः 
स्खलद्वीचीमालाचपलतलविस्तारितमुदः ।
तमःस्थाने कुञ्जे क्वचिदपि निविश्याऽहृतमना 
भविष्याम्येकाकी नरकमथने ध्यानरसिकः ।।
१०) कदा भिक्षाभक्तै: करकलितगङ्गाबुतरलै:
शरीरं मे स्थास्यत्युपरतसमस्तेन्द्रियसुखम्।
कदा ब्रह्माभ्यासस्थिरतनुतयारण्यविहगा:
पतिष्यन्ति स्थाणुभ्रमहतधिय: स्कन्धशिरसि॥

११) कदा शयानो मणिकर्णिकायां कर्णे जपाम्यक्षरमिन्दुमौलेः ।
अवाप्य मुद्रां गतमोहमुद्रां नालोकयिष्यामि पुनः प्रपञ्चं ।।

The folloing 8 verses appear as ब्रह्मानन्दविरचित अभिलाषाष्टक at  These too imitate No 1.

१२) कदा पक्षीन्द्रांसोपरि गतमजं कञ्चनयनम्
रमासंश्लिष्टांगं गगनरुचमापीतवसनम्।
गदाशंखाम्भोजारिवरमालोक्य सुचिरं
गमिष्यत्येतन्मे ननु सफलतां नेत्रयुगलम्॥
१३) कदा क्षीराब्ध्यन्तः  सुरतरुवनान्तर्मणिमये
समासीनं पीठे जलधितनयालिंगिततनुम्।
स्तुतं देवैर्नित्यं मुनिवरकदंबैरभिनुतम्
स्तवैः सन्तोष्यामि श्रुतिवचनगर्भैः सुरगुरुम्॥
१४) कदा मामाभीतं भयजलधितस्तापसतनुं
गता रागं गंगातटगिरिगुहावाससहनम्।
लपन्तं हे विष्णो सुरवर रमेशेति सततं
समभ्येत्योदारं कमलनयनो वक्ष्यति वचः॥
१५) कदा मे हृद्पद्मे भ्रमर इव पद्मे प्रतिवसन्
सदा ध्यानाभ्यासादनिशमुपहूतो विभुरसौ।
स्फुरज्ज्योतीरूपो रविरिव रसासेव्यचरणो
हरिष्यत्यज्ञानाज्जनिततिमिरं तूर्णमखिलम्॥ 
१६) कदा मे भोगाशा निबिडभवपाशादुपरतं
तपःशुद्धं बुद्धं गुरुवचनतोदैरचपलम्।
मनो मौनं कृत्वा हरिचरणयोश्चारु सुचिरं
स्थितिं स्थाणुप्रायां भवभयहरां यास्यति पराम्॥
१७) कदा मे संरुद्धाखिलकरणजालस्य परितो
जिताशेषप्राणानिलपरिकरस्य प्रजपतः।
सदोंकारं चित्तं हरिपदसरोजे धृतवतः
समेष्यत्युल्लासं मुहुरखिलरोमावलिरियम्॥
१८) कदा प्रारब्धान्ते परिशिथिलतां गच्छति शनैः
शरीरे चाक्षौघेऽप्युपरतवति प्राणपवने।
वदत्यूर्ध्वं शश्वन्मम वदनकञ्जे मुहुरहो
करिष्यत्यावासं हरिरिति पदं पावनतमम्॥
१९) कदा हित्वा जीर्णां त्वचमिव भुजंगस्तनुमिमां
चतुर्बाहुश्चक्राम्बुजदरकरः पीतवसनः।
घनश्यामो दूतैर्गगनगतिनीतो नतिपरै-

I found the following verse at in a composition called श्रीराधारससुधानिधि by प्रबोधानन्दसरस्वती.

२०) कदा वृन्दारण्ये मधुरमधुरानन्दरसदे
प्रियेश्वर्याः केलिभवननवकुञ्जानि मृगये ।
कदा श्रीराधायाः पदकमलमाध्वीकलहरी
परीवाहैश्चेतो मधुकरमधीरं मदयिता ॥

Monday, August 20, 2012

Where did Bhaskara II live?

The general consensus as to where the Hindu mathematician and astronomner Bhaskara II lived is in favour of the town of Chalisgaon, a medium-sized town on NH 211 in Dist. Jalgaon in Maharashtra.  The district-town of Beed, also in Maharashtra, or of Bijapur and Bidar in Karnataka are also named in some studies.

Bhaskara II said the following about himself in the गोलाध्याय of his famous work, the सिद्धान्तशिरोमणि :

आसीत्सह्यकुलाचलाश्रितपुरे त्रैविद्यविद्वज्जने
नानासज्जनधाम्नि विज्जडविडे शाण्डिल्यगोत्रो द्विज:।
श्रौतस्मार्तविचारसारचतुरो नि:शेषविद्यानिधि:
साधूनामवधिर्महेश्वरकृती दैवज्ञचूडामणि:॥
तज्जस्तच्चरणारविन्दयुगलप्राप्तप्रसाद: सुधी-
र्मुग्धोद्बोधकरं विदग्धगणकप्रीतिप्रदं प्रस्फुटम्।
एतद्व्यक्तसदुक्तियुक्तिबहुलं हेलावगम्यं विदां
सिद्धान्तग्रथनं कुबुद्धिमथनं चक्रे कविर्भास्कर:॥

In brief, Bhaskara II says that his father, महेश्वर, was a Brahmin of the शाण्डिल्यगोत्र and that he lived in the place called विज्जडविड that was close to the Sahya Mountain (सह्यकुलाचलाश्रित.)  Because of the closeness of pronunciation this leads to the immediate surmise that the place of his birth is बीड, बिदर, or विजापूर.  The difficulty in accepting any of these surmises is that none of them can really be said to be सह्यकुलाचलाश्रित.  

The case in support of Chalisgaon is somewhat stronger.  As one nears Chaligaon from Aurangabad on NH 211, a small road branches towards the left.  It leads to the small village called Patan पाटण, at the foot of the Satmala सातमाळा Range, a part of the Sahyadri chain.  Patan has a dilapilated temple of Bhavani, called Patandevi पाटणदेवी.  A long inscription in Sanskrit, found in the ruins of the temple, records the facts that Changadeva, a grandson of Bhaskara, ran a Math in that place where works of Bhaskara like सिद्धान्तशिरोमणि and other works of members of the same family were taught.  The inscription also records the lineage of Bhaskara and Changadeva and the grant of charities given to the Math by Soideva and Hemadri of the Nikumbha family, two feudatories of the Yadavas who ruled in Deogiri.  The inscription was first noticed by Dr Bhau Daji, who wrote about it in the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, New Series, Vol. I.  Dr. Keilhorn further edited it in Epigraphia Indica, Vol. I, p. 338.  (This book is available in DLI.)  A portion of the inscription is as under:

शाण्डिल्यवंशे कविचक्रवर्ती त्रिविक्रमोऽभूत्तनयोऽस्य जात:।
यो भोजराजेन कृताभिधानो विद्यापतिर्भास्करभट्टनामा॥ १७.
तस्माद्गोविन्दसर्वज्ञो जातो गोविन्दसन्निभः।
प्रभाकरः सुतस्तस्मात्प्रभाकर इवापरः॥ १८.
तस्मात्मनोरथो जातः सतां पूर्णमनोरथः।
श्रीमान्महेश्वराचार्यस्ततोऽजनि कवीश्वरः॥ १९.
तत्सूनुः कविवृन्दवन्दितपदः सद्वेदविद्यालता-
कन्दः कंसरिपुप्रसादितपदः सर्वज्ञविद्यासदः।
यच्छिष्यैः सह कोऽपि नो विवदितुं दक्षो विवादी क्वचि-
च्छ्रीमान् भास्करकोविदः समभवत्सत्कीर्तिपुण्यान्वितः॥ २०.
लक्ष्मीधराख्योऽखिलसूरिमुख्यो वेदार्थवित्तार्किकचक्रवर्ती।
क्रतुक्रियाकाण्डविचारसारविशारदो भास्करनन्दनोऽभूत्॥ २१.
सर्वशास्त्रार्थदक्षोऽयमिति मत्वा पुरादतः।
जैत्रपालेन यो नीतः कृतश्च विबुधाग्रणीः॥ २२.
तस्मात्सुतः सिङ्घणचक्रवर्तिर्दैवज्ञवर्योऽजनि चङ्गदेव:।
श्रीभास्कराचार्यनिबद्धशास्त्रविस्तारहेतोः कुरुते मठं यः॥ २३.
भास्कररचितग्रन्थाः सिद्धान्तशिरोमणिप्रमुखाः।
तद्वंश्यकृताश्चान्ये व्याख्येया मन्मठे नियमात्॥ २४.

The genealogy is thus: कविचक्रवर्ती त्रिविक्रम - विद्यापति भास्करभट्ट - गोविन्द - प्रभाकर - मनोरथ - महेश्वराचार्य कवीश्वर -  भास्कर - लक्ष्मीधर - चङ्गदेव.  The last two flourished in the courts of the Yadava kings of Deogiri, जैत्रपाल and सिंघण.

(Towards the end of the inscription is a narration in the old Marathi then prevalent of the grants received by the Math for its upkeep.)

The fact that a grandson of Bhaskara II ran a Math or a Pathashalaa so close to Chalisgaon to teach Bhaskara's works has led to the stong belief that Bhaskara II lived in or close to Chalisgaon.

I believe it is possible to narrow this further and say that the village of Patan itself must be the place where Bhaskara II flourished.  Its original name could have been विज्जडविड or विज्जडविडपत्तन.  Eventually विज्जडविड got dropped out of this long name and only पत्तन or पाटण survived.  My evidence for saying so is both literary and physical.

The literary evidence is as under:

a) The Changadeva inscription was discovered in a temple in that village. The village of Patan today appears to be situated in a remote corner but the numerous ruins in it tell us that the place that has seen much better days.  I have visited the place and seen several ruins of old temples and other buildings and sevaral ruined मूर्तिs lying in the open.  The temple of Bhavani itself, though in partial ruins, is quite large.  Apparently the inscription of Changadeva was still in the temple when I visited it, though, according to the Pujari of the temple, it was hidden inside a large collection of other stone fragments by the workers of the ASI to protect it from vandalism and theft.  I append below two photos of the temple.

b) Patan पाटण is obviously a corruption of पत्तन, a large town.  The very name suggests that in the past it was much bigger than a mere village that it looks now and merited the diecription of a पत्तन.  It is obvious that the description of सह्यकुलाचलाश्रित fits it very well, as the cliffs of the Sahyadri-Satamala Range are seen just behind it.

c) The Changadeva inscription refers to it as a पुर, which would be much bigger than a mere village. लक्ष्मीधर, a son of Bhaskara II, lived there and was invited by the King जैत्रपाल यादव from that place. (सर्वशास्त्रार्थदक्षोऽयमिति मत्वा पुरादतः। जैत्रपालेन यो नीतः कृतश्च विबुधाग्रणीः॥ २२.)  His son, चंगदेव, lived there as the head of the Math.  The whole family of Bhaskara II thus appears to have close ties to this place.

d) Another branch of the family lived not far from this place.  About 10 miles north of Chalisgaon is a village called Bahal बहाळ.  It has a temple dedicated to Goddess Saraja सारजा.  The temple contains an inscription that says that it was built by one Anantadeva, the Chief Astrologer in the court of SighaNa Yadava.  The genealogy of Anatadeva is given therein as  शाण्डिल्यगोत्री मनोहर - महेश्वर - श्रीपति - गणपति - अनंतदेव.  मनोहर and महेश्वर and the gotra शाण्डिल्य being common, it is obvious that श्रीपति here is a brother of Bhaskara II.  This inscription, edited by Dr Keilhorn, may be seen at  Epigraphia Indica Vol. III p. 110. 

There is good physical evidence too that suggests that पाटण at one time must have been a flourishing major town.  The enclosed captures from Google Maps show the relative positions of the famous Pitalkhora Caves पितळखोरा and पाटण.  Though these caves today appear to be located far in the interior and in the absolute widerness - they are loacted sevaral km towards the west from the town of Kannad on NH 211 north of Aurangabad, - it is also known that all such caves were carved along major trade routes of old India.  There is indeed enough evidence that such a trade route existed.

a) A book printed in 1826 at Calcutta, 'Itinerary and directory for Western India: being a collection of routes...' is available in  It is written by Capt. John Clunes of the 12th Native Infantry and describes routes of transport of those day, before modern means of transport came into use.  Routes LV aqnd LVI in it are 'From DHOOLIA by Mehoonbarra and Gowtulla Ghat to AURAGABAD' and 'From DHOOLIA to AURANGABAD, via Mehoonbarra and Untoor' and mention 'Gowtulla Ghat'.  Today the forested area from Pitalkhora to Patan and the surroundings is a protected forest called Gautala Forest.   'Gowtulla Ghat' in Clunes' book would thus be the valley that leads down from Pitalkhora to Patan.  I could identify in 'Mehoonbarra' with the village Mehunbare on the bank of the Girna River at 20.5690 N and 74.94.48 E.  Another village mentioned by Clunes, 'Hewurkherah', is  'Hiwarkheda' 20.2924 N and 75.1340 E.  He also mentions Kannad in his description.

b) Another book in, 'Historical and descriptive sketch of His Highness the Nizam's ...: Volume I' ( says the following on p. 384 about the Gautala Ghat.

"The Ghats between His Highness's territory and the British Province of Khandesh are pierced with numerous passes, all of which are more or less used as trade routes. The principle are the Ajanta Pass already mentioned, the Gaotala or Amba Ghat above Kanad, a very old trade route; at the foot of the ghat are the ruins of the ancient city of Patna. The road over this ghat was once so good that it was practicable for carts. It was reconstructed by the Emperor Aurangzeb during his Deccan campaign and was subsequently repaired by Outram when he was Bhil Agent."

Herein it is mentioned that in Aurangzeb's time the Gautala Ghat was passable by carts and that at it foot are the ruins of 'the ancient city of Patna'

c) Yet another book in, 'The castes and tribes of H.E.H. the Nizam's dominions: Volume 1' ( mentines on p.69 how a British Officer by name Outram, appointed at Kannad to bring under control the Bhil Tribes of the Nizam's territory north of Aurangabad, got the Gautala repaired.    (The present motorable ghat on NH 211, going down towards Chalisgaon is a later creation.  It was made in 1870.  See Maharashtra State gazetteers, Volume 4 p. 580.  It was named after the same Outram.)

Considering the weight of literary and physical evidence, it looks certain that the village of Patan पाटण  is the place where Bhaskara II lived and wrote his famous सिद्धान्तशिरोमणि.